Sunday, August 10, 2008

a message to corey haim

my last recycled semi blogger attempt--from just last week.

Dude--it's really time to get it together! I saw your picture in People this past week and you didn't look well! And, dare I say it?? You don't have to go through the rest of your life riding on the Two Corey's express. Corey Feldman does appear to be at a better place than you. But all things being equal, he isn't getting by as much on his talent these days as he is promoting himself and his wife as human sandwich boards in LA. Hey, making a good buck and living the life is certainly a talent in itself, but . . .
he shouldn't like reading the articles which imply that only next to you does he look good. And most importantly, you should watch a few episodes of your own reality show and get a final belly full of looking bad in comparison. Suck it up! Man up! Whatever catch phrase works best for you. You can rationalize your need to remain a flawed man child to some dime store doctor Phyllis wannabe, while watching yourself on Child Stars Gone Bad, or you can start working on being the next Come Back Kid. Hey, I read the other day that Eric Roberts is off the D-List. Robert Downey, Jr is the clean and sober Iron Man. If life is broken down into chapters, and reinvention is the new mother of invention, you were a wildly successful child star. You parlayed that success into ruin with drugs, bad choices and reality tv. Now you have the opportunity for the next chapter--cautionary Hollywood tale of disaster becomes go to guy for gritty movie roles. See the distinction?
Being intervened by Todd Bridges, Pauly Shores and the two Feldman's should be the last straw in a Surreal Reality Gone Bad.
Another opportunity. When you are back in the bosom of the Green Lighted community, maybe you can save Corey Feldman from going down in a flame of merchandising and franchising.
Good luck to you both.

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